27 09, 2021

Un año sin tratar el proyecto para una nueva ley de VIH, Hepatitis, ITS y Tuberculosis: ¿cuánto más hay que esperar?  

2021-10-05T17:14:33-03:00lunes, 27 septiembre, 2021|Especial COVID-19, HIV, VIH|

Mañana se va a tratar el Proyecto de Ley de Respuesta Integral al VIH, Hepatitis, ITS y Tuberculosis en la Comisión de Salud de la Cámara de Diputades pero las personas trabajadoras sexuales fueron excluidas como destinatarias del acceso a la salud pese al pedido de ONUSIDA y la sociedad civil y contradiciendo la instrucción

5 02, 2016

FGEP and other Latin American organizations requested a Thematic Hearing at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

2018-02-05T10:36:13-03:00viernes, 5 febrero, 2016|Advocacy, Direct Action, Hepatitis C, HIV, Medicines, Public Health, RedLAM|

Por: Julia Varela   GEP Foundation (FGEP), along with more than 20 other civil society organizations from different countries in Latin America committed to defending the right to health, requested last January 18th a Thematic Hearing at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on the issue of lack of access to medicines. The request

17 12, 2015

FGEP continues defense of public health in Argentina against the abuse of the patent system by multinational pharmaceutical companies

2015-12-17T03:50:58-03:00jueves, 17 diciembre, 2015|Access to Medicines, Argentina, Direct Action, Health Safeguards, HIV, Intellectual Property, Kaletra, Patent opposition, Sofosbuvir|

BUENOS AIRES, December 15th 2015 - Fundación Grupo Efecto Positivo (FGEP), an organization whose work is focused on guaranteeing access to essential medicines for HIV and Hepatitis C in Argentina and Latin America, announced in a press conference on November 30th two new key actions to defend public health policies. Dr. Daniel Gollán, Argentina’s Minister

2 07, 2015

International Forum: Access to HIV and Hepatitis C Medicines

2015-10-30T18:02:25-03:00jueves, 2 julio, 2015|Access to Medicines, Capacity Building, Hepatitis C, HIV, Intellectual Property, RedLAM|

Citizens, organizations and experts analyzed the current challenges to hep C and HIV medicine’s access at the International Forum organized by RedLAM Citizens, NGO’s, experts and national authorities of Latin-American Countries exchanged ideas and strategic courses of action to boost Access to medicines at the “International Forum about Access to Medicines, Intellectual Property and Local

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